Dear adoptive mama,
Happy Mama Monday, ladies!! This week we're chatting with Chantea McIntyre, educator, blogger, and mom of 4, about the joys and struggles that come with adoption and infertility. She dives deep into the struggles behind infertility and the joy she has found through adoption. I myself have struggled with miscarriage and my husband and I often discuss adopting a child next rather than try and conceive again. Not because I have struggled an immense about but because I feel there are so many children who desperately need homes. This subject is something my husband and I still haven't decided on completely but is definitely something we have put our 100% faith in God to reveal his path for us in this regard.
Her unwavering spirit and dedication to her faith is the foundation to all that she does and I love this so much about this sweet soul. She talks all about her relationship with her husband through out the entire process of infertility and adoption and reveals some real truths behind infertility and adoption that most don't divulge.
We were so honored to hear from Chantea and feel so privileged to share her story. If you are one of the women who have struggled through infertility or are a woman currently in the process of adoption, are considering adoption or are currently an adoptive mama, this one is for you! We hope you enjoy it as much as we did!