KLSD Blog — fitness
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Workout Wednesday: Yoga with Desiree Heckman
Hey guys! Happy Workout Wednesday! This month's workout is with Desiree Heckman from Old Town Yoga! We recently featured her in our KLSD Mama Monday series where she opened up about navigating owning a business and motherhood. Today she's back to teach us a calming yoga flow to relieve stress and anxiety. This is a mini sequence you can do anywhere with or without a mat in 15-20 minutes. We hope you give these moves a try, especially if you're new to yoga and looking to dip your toes into the water! If you're looking to take a class with Desiree or the other...
Staff Account
Workout Wednesday: Tabata with Heather McCann
Hey guys, welcome to our new series Workout Wednesday with KLSD! Every month we'll get our workout on with local badass women in health and fitness. First up is Heather McCann with a Tabata workout you can do from anywhere!
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