KLSD Blog — fresno blogger

Dear Breastfeeding Mama | World Breastfeeding Week

Dear Breastfeeding Mama | World Breastfeeding Week

Hey mamas! Happy KLSD Mama Monday! We're back with another interview for you. This one is all about the joys and challenges of breastfeeding. A lot of women love breastfeeding, and a lot of women struggle with it. So we sat down with a group of Fresno mamas to openly discuss their journeys during World Breastfeeding Week. Jordan, Danica, and Tia opened up to us about the strangest places they've breastfed, building a milk supply, their funniest moments breastfeeding, and so much more in hopes that other mamas won't feel alone. Watch the full conversation below and give these awesome ladies a...

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Slow Cooker Chicken Marsala Recipe | Monday Mom Meals with Chef Shayna

Slow Cooker Chicken Marsala Recipe | Monday Mom Meals with Chef Shayna

Hey guys, welcome to our new series: Monday Mom Meals! We teamed up with Chef Shayna to share a new recipe every month that's quick, easy, and delicious for the whole fam. Shayna has spent nearly a decade in Fresno teaching kids and parents how to cook! She also created Supper Club, a fun gathering for people to meal prep ten meals for the dinner table! Our first recipe for Monday Mom Meals is chicken marsala! It's a little fancy but super easy to make in the slow cooker or Instant Pot. Pro tip: Make two batches so you have a meal ready for another day! Buy double the...

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Workout Wednesday: Tabata with Heather McCann

Workout Wednesday: Tabata with Heather McCann

Hey guys, welcome to our new series Workout Wednesday with KLSD! Every month we'll get our workout on with local badass women in health and fitness. First up is Heather McCann with a Tabata workout you can do from anywhere!

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dear postpartum depression mama | KLSD Mama Monday

dear postpartum depression mama | KLSD Mama Monday

Dear Postpartum depression mama, We meet again, ladies! Happy Mama Monday! This week to finish up the month of May we talk to Giovanna about Postpartum depression and how that has affected her life as a wife, mama and woman. Gio is the mama of two beautiful babies and dives in deep with us about how postpartum depression has trickled into her life.  According to the American Psychological Association, 1 in 7 women experience the extreme mood disorder known as "Postpartum depression". It's effect on women post birthing their children is debilitating and not something many feel comfortable discussing as...

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